SmartCurve™ Breast Stabilisation System

Clinically proven to deliver patients a more comfortable mammogram.1

Information Exclusively Intended for Healthcare Professionals




    Transform the Patient Experience

    The fear of pain prevents many women from making regular breast imaging appointments a priority. Not only can this have a negative impact on patient volume and satisfaction scores, but it can also put women at risk of a cancer being missed, or diagnosed at a more advanced stage. The SmartCurve breast stabilisation system addresses this challenge.

    Offer Patients a Better Mammography Visit

    The SmartCurve system transforms the breast imaging experience. For the woman under your care, this means more comfort. For you, this means not having to compromise their comfort with image quality and workflow.1

    Patient Comfort

    A curved, ergonomic design mirrors the shape of a woman’s breast to reduce pinching and applies uniform compression over the entire breast.


    Processing software takes paddle geometry into account, so the resulting images have the same appearance as those taken with the standard flat paddle.1

    User Friendly

    No change in positioning technique or workflow for technologists.

    Upgrade Available

    Can be used with the MammoPad™ breast cushion for added comfort.

    Illustration of Hologic Breast Health Continuum of Care with Radiology

    Unlock the Advantage of Time

    The Breast Health Continuum of Care offers integrated solutions for clinical confidence, workflow efficiency and compassionate patient care. It is our purpose to help more women to be in better health.

    The SmartCurve Breast Stabilisation System is part of the Hologic Screening & Diagnosis Solution.

    Visit Our Virtual Hospital

    Browse our portfolio of Breast Health solutions in 3D. See how you can unlock the advantage of time across the entire Breast Continuum of Care. 

    Woman visiting and enquiring receptionist at the Breast Imaging Suite within hospital

    Evidence. Insight. Collaboration.

    Our education portal improves patient care through excellence in education, communication of clinical and scientific evidence, and partnerships with the healthcare community.


    Radiographers reviewing tomosynthesis mammography on a screen

    ToSyMa Study Results, a 3D Future for Breast Cancer Screening

    Women sitting in front of a mammography machine with a health care professional at her side.

    Global Insight: Breast and Cervical Screening Programmes Now and in the Future

    Woman patient talking to healthcare professional with image scans at the back

    Global Insight: A Vision for Women-centric Care

      1. Data On File: DHM-06039 Rev 002 Jennifer Bartoshevich, Teri Orefice, Sajjad Mansoor, Internal Study comparing Hologic®’s flat paddle to the SmartCurve paddle (18x24cm) (2017).


      Singapore-registered IFU data is available upon request.